They are really more gimmicks, but they exist. The most famous was Ernest Hemingway's response to a bet that he couldn't write fiction that short. He wrote: For sale: baby shoes. Never worn. That implied a vast backstory and deep emotion. Writing a compelling short story is an art, despite that they are so much more concise than novels. How to Do Well and Score in GP / General Paper - The correct structure to write argumentative essays, - Use sample essays to learn the mechanics of good writing, - And many more tips and tricks to do well in the paper. If you wish to learn how to do well for your General Paper, details on lessons can be found at the tab above. Back to Basics: Perfect Your Note-Taking Techniques
Step 1. Allot at least 10 percent of your time for planning. If you have 20 minutes to write an essay, use at least two minutes to plan. If you have an hour, use at least 6 minutes. Rushing into an essay is counterproductive, since you will almost certainly run into a mental dead-end, requiring more time to write your way out than you would have...
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To focus and increase concentration, do the following: Create a schedule for your paper. For example, you can decide to give 4 hours a day to write your paper. Or you can schedule a 3 day intense crash writing for your paper. Reduce different distractions. Any form of noise is likely to seize your attention.
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How to Do Well and Score in GP / General Paper
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Master the Censor. Another key to writing faster is to turn off the Censor. The Censor is that little voice in your head that tells you when a sentence or choice of words is wrong. The Censor slows down your writing by urging you to go back and correct every single word, typo or mistake you might make as you write. SAT Essay Tips: 15 Ways to Improve Your Score Reading the passage, analyzing the argument, planning your essay, writing your essay, and revising are all important components for writing an 8/8/8 essay. For a breakdown of how much time to spend on each of these steps, be sure to check out our article on how to write an SAT essay, step-by-step .